Wednesday, December 30
music camp!!!!
yay! ipoh!!! im back!!! well, i don't really miss ipoh that much..... cause i've fall in love with penang! having lots of sweet... sour... bitter.... spicy..... tough... bad.... funny.... happy.... memories there.
spending 4days and 3 nights in 大山脚 while another day at penang.
we arrive there at 25dec, yea... it's christmas day, and it's the worst christmas i have in my life. i'm so damn excited when our van reached at jit sin school, just can't wait to run around the school!!! early in the morning, we started practicing liao. although everything still so strange to us... people... place.... just everything. especially the darn stupid air-con, make me feel more nervous! Xp 顺丽老师 will be our conductor, firstly we played 长城随想. some reason my partner couldn't show out today... so, 高音笙left me. just me!!!! omg... how can i stand for it!? this song was the most difficult one, and i didn't ready well too. conductor like going mad with me for the whole day... cause she keep on shouting... 高音笙! 高音笙! 高音笙! grrr... haizz... she just blow off my passion, really wanna give out! almost 9pm, finally we dismissed. we stay in sri indra hotel... it looks not bad enough as i thought, except that our room's water heater rosak!!!! wth!!! luckily xiao ling let me shout at, or else... i might be keep in tanjung rambutan. i've calling her at midnight and chit chat and shout and shout! untill finishing eating my orange. yay. xiao ling, you so NICE!!! XD
okay... really have lots to say... but, let the pic tell you lar...
spending 4days and 3 nights in 大山脚 while another day at penang.
we arrive there at 25dec, yea... it's christmas day, and it's the worst christmas i have in my life. i'm so damn excited when our van reached at jit sin school, just can't wait to run around the school!!! early in the morning, we started practicing liao. although everything still so strange to us... people... place.... just everything. especially the darn stupid air-con, make me feel more nervous! Xp 顺丽老师 will be our conductor, firstly we played 长城随想. some reason my partner couldn't show out today... so, 高音笙left me. just me!!!! omg... how can i stand for it!? this song was the most difficult one, and i didn't ready well too. conductor like going mad with me for the whole day... cause she keep on shouting... 高音笙! 高音笙! 高音笙! grrr... haizz... she just blow off my passion, really wanna give out! almost 9pm, finally we dismissed. we stay in sri indra hotel... it looks not bad enough as i thought, except that our room's water heater rosak!!!! wth!!! luckily xiao ling let me shout at, or else... i might be keep in tanjung rambutan. i've calling her at midnight and chit chat and shout and shout! untill finishing eating my orange. yay. xiao ling, you so NICE!!! XD
okay... really have lots to say... but, let the pic tell you lar...

still got lots of photo haven't post out... cause they are not with me now. will get them back and post out later. C= co members from jitsin school, amc school, 坤成 school, 恒毅 school, 槟城北海school... grouped together become an orchestra just for four days and lead by our nice conductor, 顺丽老师. in the last night, 28th of december we are going to perform in dewan sri pinang with just four days practicing together and meet each other there... wah!! can't imagine that we really made it.... the performance just going well. although we made some mistake~ xp as the performance end with claps and cheers, i feel GOOD! heheeee....
hmmm.... it's late for us to go back hotel ler.... aikss.... gotta leave everyone, will miss you all guys a lot, even we not that close to each other. only thing that i know is... you all are awesome!!! BRAVO!!
the next, also the last day staying in penang.... so happy that can spend time with amcco's guy at there~ but the bad thing is those people who went to camp must sit on another bus... that's mean i can't sit with xiao ling and hyung-nim!!! T.T bad!!! there are 27 seats in the bus, we just 16 person............................ hmmm.................................... bad........................................
we having lunch at queensbay in the T-BOWL restaurant. it's so unique that make us can't stop taking picture there~ XD we sit on the toilet bowl (of course on the cover lar) and the table actually is a bath tube. their bowls are toilet bowl shape too..... we just like eating XXXX in the bowl~~ later on, we decide to play on the roller skating!!!!! 3 of us didn't play before also~~ this is the first time, so we are really extremely nervous!!! if fall down, must be very very damn fish!? what we gotta do is walk slowly and keep on holding the wall besides..... == hmm... watching those others young people, gurls and boys, little children... they can skate so fast and so syiok, envy!! envy!!! so i try my best not to hold on the wall and skate. but i nearly fall down. luckily someone save me and teach me too.... yay. thx. i know to skate liao!!!!!! ahahahaahahaa... please don't get mad with me.... leng lui xiao ling and hyung-nim~~~ im just so ordinary....
if got any other chance, i swear i will teaching u two skate.... no shouting anymore, okay.. i'll teach patiently~~ C=
hmmm.... it's late for us to go back hotel ler.... aikss.... gotta leave everyone, will miss you all guys a lot, even we not that close to each other. only thing that i know is... you all are awesome!!! BRAVO!!
the next, also the last day staying in penang.... so happy that can spend time with amcco's guy at there~ but the bad thing is those people who went to camp must sit on another bus... that's mean i can't sit with xiao ling and hyung-nim!!! T.T bad!!! there are 27 seats in the bus, we just 16 person............................ hmmm.................................... bad........................................
we having lunch at queensbay in the T-BOWL restaurant. it's so unique that make us can't stop taking picture there~ XD we sit on the toilet bowl (of course on the cover lar) and the table actually is a bath tube. their bowls are toilet bowl shape too..... we just like eating XXXX in the bowl~~ later on, we decide to play on the roller skating!!!!! 3 of us didn't play before also~~ this is the first time, so we are really extremely nervous!!! if fall down, must be very very damn fish!? what we gotta do is walk slowly and keep on holding the wall besides..... == hmm... watching those others young people, gurls and boys, little children... they can skate so fast and so syiok, envy!! envy!!! so i try my best not to hold on the wall and skate. but i nearly fall down. luckily someone save me and teach me too.... yay. thx. i know to skate liao!!!!!! ahahahaahahaa... please don't get mad with me.... leng lui xiao ling and hyung-nim~~~ im just so ordinary....
if got any other chance, i swear i will teaching u two skate.... no shouting anymore, okay.. i'll teach patiently~~ C=
i love skating!!!!! hooray~
Thursday, December 24
sleep... go sleep lar ==

but i couldn't find those photo i took of my cello, si koid..... don't know where those photo had been?
hmm.. not at home for 5 days!!!!! i'll miss everything in this house a lot Xp
si koid, i won't be play with you for 5 days long... please be good when i'm not here~ i'll and i must miss you a lot. u must think of me also wah!!!! ==
already so so late, but i don't feel sleepy at all.... what to do!? this is my most bad habit. C=
miss ya!!! si koid
hmm.... 轻松多了
hehee... 可以踏入日新,我超兴奋的!
非常好奇他们的secret recipe。。。
ME,yap, flora, joycee, meimei, forkie, faith, brenda, eelin, oon kei, auyong, whitney, ruo huai, yun qi.
don't worry..... be HAPPY! C=

nearly forgotten santa will be with us by tomorrow!
hmm.... 轻松多了
hehee... 可以踏入日新,我超兴奋的!
非常好奇他们的secret recipe。。。
ME,yap, flora, joycee, meimei, forkie, faith, brenda, eelin, oon kei, auyong, whitney, ruo huai, yun qi.
don't worry..... be HAPPY! C=

nearly forgotten santa will be with us by tomorrow!
Saturday, December 19
已是第三天了, 肚子稍微没那么痛, 不然现在因该躺在病床上.
先是头昏, 肚涨, 快吐了.
只好睡觉, 睡觉是最好的药剂吧?
终于撑不住了,到 clinic 去!!
真是上欲吐,下直泻!! XP
已是第三天了, 肚子稍微没那么痛, 不然现在因该躺在病床上.
先是头昏, 肚涨, 快吐了.
只好睡觉, 睡觉是最好的药剂吧?
终于撑不住了,到 clinic 去!!
真是上欲吐,下直泻!! XP
Wednesday, December 16
a letter for me?!
hmm... i received a letter, it's from the olympia college of malaysia~ o.O there written,
Dear Koid
Congratulations! you successfully completing your high school education. we offered you to study with Olympia College Ipoh. You are required to bring along your SPM result slip, IC and blablabla.........
besides laughing, i've no any idea about this letter??
wah!! i haven't sit on SPM exam, but then already got a college invited me??! == if i accept them, does it means that i can skip the exam!!!!! ahahahaa... silly~ i really not that interested with their programmes... hotel management, engineering, accounting..... i don't like any of it!!
what i like is...
i'm still not sure yet.
完全不想为升学的事烦恼。因为,读书生涯可是人生阶段里最为轻松的~ 小时候天真无暇,得谅解。。。总是巴不得在眨眼间变成大人,驾着车子到处逛,到商场疯狂购物,不必听爸妈唠叨的。。。都是幼稚的愿望!== 现在却希望时间过得再慢点点,好想一直赖在爸妈身旁当个长不大的孩子! ^^ 长大了,也是时候与烦恼打交道的时候。一大堆有的没的。好烦!现在只为读书头痛,不算太严重。学生嘛,不是读书,还有什么可烦的?就是觉得当下超幸福的,所做的事情都是我喜欢的,没有所谓的压迫感。好好哟!若要选择科系,就没有喜欢与不喜欢了,还得顾及一切的一切~ 烦~ 不想了。
Dear Koid
Congratulations! you successfully completing your high school education. we offered you to study with Olympia College Ipoh. You are required to bring along your SPM result slip, IC and blablabla.........
besides laughing, i've no any idea about this letter??
wah!! i haven't sit on SPM exam, but then already got a college invited me??! == if i accept them, does it means that i can skip the exam!!!!! ahahahaa... silly~ i really not that interested with their programmes... hotel management, engineering, accounting..... i don't like any of it!!
what i like is...
i'm still not sure yet.
完全不想为升学的事烦恼。因为,读书生涯可是人生阶段里最为轻松的~ 小时候天真无暇,得谅解。。。总是巴不得在眨眼间变成大人,驾着车子到处逛,到商场疯狂购物,不必听爸妈唠叨的。。。都是幼稚的愿望!== 现在却希望时间过得再慢点点,好想一直赖在爸妈身旁当个长不大的孩子! ^^ 长大了,也是时候与烦恼打交道的时候。一大堆有的没的。好烦!现在只为读书头痛,不算太严重。学生嘛,不是读书,还有什么可烦的?就是觉得当下超幸福的,所做的事情都是我喜欢的,没有所谓的压迫感。好好哟!若要选择科系,就没有喜欢与不喜欢了,还得顾及一切的一切~ 烦~ 不想了。
Saturday, December 12
Tuesday, December 8
Monday, December 7
what a crazy morning!
there will be a life saving training on 8.30am. unluckily, im the earliest person who woke up.... and, here start the day-mare!!! as i switched on the light in kitchen, i saw a rat!!!! ish!!! it hide quickly when noticed i'm there... i shouted~ tomato sauce mee will be my breakfast, this was the first time me alone cooking mee!! yay. tasted not bad, ahahhaaa... there are two basins and i just pouring the soup into one of the basin, the left hand side one. wah!!!! two insects 'pop' out from the right basin!!! omg~ and i look clearly..... that was TWO DAMN SHIT COCKCROACH!!!!!! A COUPLE ONE!!! WTH!!! that really shocked me, besides standing there, i've really no idea what should i do!!! ahh!!! i know, i shouted~~ ewww.... their size really extraordinary HUGE!!! ewwwww!!!!! then, gotta unlock the front gate of my house..... what again. a spider there. seemed like saying MORNING~ to me.. == u are so blocking, u know!!!! errr... shiu~~ what had happened on this early morning made me think that , oh my little cozy house... it just going to become a habitat for PESTS and also INSECTS!!! =HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP=
life-saving training....
cold windy blew so strongly, made me cant stop trembling!!! maybe my yummy breakfast was just too yummy?! i felt wanna vomit during the training!!! burp! there will be several days more training during this holiday for those members who are going to sit on the bronze medallion test~ aiks.... im going to take this test with some juniors, included f1!!!! not because of what... but just... arr... dono!? hope this time i can take it and pass, of course. but then, when i know the date of test might crush on music camp.... my brain turned blank~ yay. ==
cello class! c=
wah!!!!!! i got a good news!!!! but no bad news... maybe some can be count as bad..? yay. mr lim told me to join the amc's symphony chamber!!!! me and faith will be playing on cello. yay. that's really so surprise!? hmm... still thinking, why me? im not a cellist in amcco what?! whatever... one year later, i won't be having that much time to spend on music.... but i hope this wasn't true! T.T and from now onwards, i'll try to appreciate every moment that i'm spending on the MUSIC!!!
after cello class...
aiks... there should be class for the chamber to practice together... but already planned to hang out with miin and xiao ling~ yay. so sorry, gotta absent for the 1st practice. eheheheee... me and miin start waiting xiao ling at almost 1pm. darn her, late for an hour!!!! == bad! then, decided to sing like mad at k-box for FOUR hours... == hmm... speechlesss... i don't mind... but, we three person gotta eat off 6 sets of meals just because we added for longer time. of course paid more..... hmm... miin was so enjoy singing, no matter pop songs, old songs, duet, cantonese, english, korea, japanese, indian, thai.... she can handle?!?!!!! walau~hmm... xiao ling leh... just laugh, laugh, laugh... smile, smile, smile... shout, shout, shout.... so 自high! zzz... and me?! feel so COLD~ freezing... till my lips were trembling, hard to sing. and most of those songs i don't know how to sing == listening two of the siao poh enjoyed singing.... eating french fries.... hmm... what for i came and not singing?! nothing... just, as long as having time with you two siao people that's fun to me... yay. that whole evening was really happy... cause, you two were there with ME! =D
till 7pm, we left k-box. then, rushed to jusco. my mission was to buy a luggage bag(my mum's order) and also bottle for me. so everthing just done in a few minutes, cause mum shouting through the phone: dad is coming!!!!!!!!! errr... so gotta rushed. and i bought a greeny luggage bag just for $99 and a greeny bottle. xiao ling, stop saying 你好有wa!!! lol... not me 有, it's my mum... ahahhaa... and 'bianeyo'. cause made u scolded by your mum.
there will be a life saving training on 8.30am. unluckily, im the earliest person who woke up.... and, here start the day-mare!!! as i switched on the light in kitchen, i saw a rat!!!! ish!!! it hide quickly when noticed i'm there... i shouted~ tomato sauce mee will be my breakfast, this was the first time me alone cooking mee!! yay. tasted not bad, ahahhaaa... there are two basins and i just pouring the soup into one of the basin, the left hand side one. wah!!!! two insects 'pop' out from the right basin!!! omg~ and i look clearly..... that was TWO DAMN SHIT COCKCROACH!!!!!! A COUPLE ONE!!! WTH!!! that really shocked me, besides standing there, i've really no idea what should i do!!! ahh!!! i know, i shouted~~ ewww.... their size really extraordinary HUGE!!! ewwwww!!!!! then, gotta unlock the front gate of my house..... what again. a spider there. seemed like saying MORNING~ to me.. == u are so blocking, u know!!!! errr... shiu~~ what had happened on this early morning made me think that , oh my little cozy house... it just going to become a habitat for PESTS and also INSECTS!!! =HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP=
life-saving training....
cold windy blew so strongly, made me cant stop trembling!!! maybe my yummy breakfast was just too yummy?! i felt wanna vomit during the training!!! burp! there will be several days more training during this holiday for those members who are going to sit on the bronze medallion test~ aiks.... im going to take this test with some juniors, included f1!!!! not because of what... but just... arr... dono!? hope this time i can take it and pass, of course. but then, when i know the date of test might crush on music camp.... my brain turned blank~ yay. ==
cello class! c=
wah!!!!!! i got a good news!!!! but no bad news... maybe some can be count as bad..? yay. mr lim told me to join the amc's symphony chamber!!!! me and faith will be playing on cello. yay. that's really so surprise!? hmm... still thinking, why me? im not a cellist in amcco what?! whatever... one year later, i won't be having that much time to spend on music.... but i hope this wasn't true! T.T and from now onwards, i'll try to appreciate every moment that i'm spending on the MUSIC!!!
after cello class...
aiks... there should be class for the chamber to practice together... but already planned to hang out with miin and xiao ling~ yay. so sorry, gotta absent for the 1st practice. eheheheee... me and miin start waiting xiao ling at almost 1pm. darn her, late for an hour!!!! == bad! then, decided to sing like mad at k-box for FOUR hours... == hmm... speechlesss... i don't mind... but, we three person gotta eat off 6 sets of meals just because we added for longer time. of course paid more..... hmm... miin was so enjoy singing, no matter pop songs, old songs, duet, cantonese, english, korea, japanese, indian, thai.... she can handle?!?!!!! walau~hmm... xiao ling leh... just laugh, laugh, laugh... smile, smile, smile... shout, shout, shout.... so 自high! zzz... and me?! feel so COLD~ freezing... till my lips were trembling, hard to sing. and most of those songs i don't know how to sing == listening two of the siao poh enjoyed singing.... eating french fries.... hmm... what for i came and not singing?! nothing... just, as long as having time with you two siao people that's fun to me... yay. that whole evening was really happy... cause, you two were there with ME! =D
till 7pm, we left k-box. then, rushed to jusco. my mission was to buy a luggage bag(my mum's order) and also bottle for me. so everthing just done in a few minutes, cause mum shouting through the phone: dad is coming!!!!!!!!! errr... so gotta rushed. and i bought a greeny luggage bag just for $99 and a greeny bottle. xiao ling, stop saying 你好有wa!!! lol... not me 有, it's my mum... ahahhaa... and 'bianeyo'. cause made u scolded by your mum.
Friday, December 4
holidays.. HOLIDAYSSSSS.... C=
what I've done??
--> i cut my hair..
ahahaa... looks more like mushroom now. my hair is natural curls and it's damn messy now..
--> practicing si koid~
yay. i love si koid a lot. but i can just spend some time with it... coz i gotta work!!
--> earn some $$
besides sitting in my cozy house and wait for the food drop from the sky, i decided to work in my mum's market. C= my duty is to stand at the counter and collect money from those customer.^^ u might meet any kind of people there, adorable child, stingy uncle, generous aunt, weird granny... ahaha... working there just something fun~ but lots of people said me and my sis are twins!?!?! i hate this statement!! XP i'm not good in communicating, of course the same condition when facing with the customers or more worst. So, i just SMILED.
--> tired of my breakfast!!
errr.... that's enough. my dad and mum were so enjoyed with their breakfast in kopitiam... those old old one. and everyday eating mees ,drinking tea... the similar tea!!! oh gosh!!!! how bored is this!?!? the worst is that my dad will just having his bored breakfast at the same kopitiam for several morning, he said that their mees add very little seasoning?! ==
one more month of holidays left!! aiks... time really precious!!! Xp
--> i cut my hair..
ahahaa... looks more like mushroom now. my hair is natural curls and it's damn messy now..
--> practicing si koid~
yay. i love si koid a lot. but i can just spend some time with it... coz i gotta work!!
--> earn some $$
besides sitting in my cozy house and wait for the food drop from the sky, i decided to work in my mum's market. C= my duty is to stand at the counter and collect money from those customer.^^ u might meet any kind of people there, adorable child, stingy uncle, generous aunt, weird granny... ahaha... working there just something fun~ but lots of people said me and my sis are twins!?!?! i hate this statement!! XP i'm not good in communicating, of course the same condition when facing with the customers or more worst. So, i just SMILED.
--> tired of my breakfast!!
errr.... that's enough. my dad and mum were so enjoyed with their breakfast in kopitiam... those old old one. and everyday eating mees ,drinking tea... the similar tea!!! oh gosh!!!! how bored is this!?!? the worst is that my dad will just having his bored breakfast at the same kopitiam for several morning, he said that their mees add very little seasoning?! ==
one more month of holidays left!! aiks... time really precious!!! Xp
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